What is your name? How old are you?
Max Dalton. 36
What value do you think your art offers art?
Not much. Everything I do has been done before.
If you were a shape which would you be?
A fractal.
If you could speak any language which would you choose?
Anything human, so I can understand their conversations.
Can you quickly list five words that rhyme with art?
Start, cart, dart, smart…no.
Do you consider yourself to be an honest person?
I think nobody can be honest. So, yes.
Would you prefer to be loved or hated because of the art you produce?
Loved. I’ve lost my strength to obtain good from hate.
Tell me something you like?
The sensation when a good idea pops up in your head and bacon. At the same level.
Where do you work?
In my studio, outside Buenos Aires.
Ask yourself a question and answer it.
Want some bacon?
Hell yeah.
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