What is your name? How old are you?
Mark Goss and on occasion MA*SS. 25
Hopefully my work has something in the craftmanship that is occasionally under-appreciated in art, I really try and make every aspect of my work as perfect as I can make it; especially in the quality of line, probably the most important part of my work.
An isosceles triangle.
Dutch, especially since I'm living in Flanders, although I am getting there slowly so alternatively Japanese.
Boss, moss, loss, toss, doss.
Yes, aside from the odd white lie necessary to spare someones hurt feelings.
Would you prefer to be loved or hated because of the art you produce?
I'd like to say I don't care either way but a selfish part of me wants to be loved.
Hungover sundays on the sofa watching shit films with the missis.
Mainly on my kitchen table with my perfectly good but neglected drawing desk behind me.
What time do you need to meet your girlfriend?
Er...Now, shit, better go!...
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