Wednesday, 16 March 2011

Barry Sykes

What is your name? How old are you?

I’m Barry Sykes and I’m 34.

What value do you think your art offers art?

‘...offers art’? Well, I keep on making the stuff, sometimes not really knowing why, so I must be hoping there’s a gap, or a need for it somewhere, but I’m really not the best person to ask for a definitive answer on value.

If you were a shape which would you be?

I’ll stay the same funny, pale pink shape I am at the moment thanks.

If you could speak any language which would you choose?

Vietnamese? It would get an amazing reaction from the people in the restaurant next to my studio - there’s a big Vietnamese community in Deptford. That or maybe all of the ones that are dying out; Cornish, Esperanto, Gaelic etc…

Can you quickly list five words that rhyme with art?

Dart? Part? Cart? Heart? Impart? I can’t think of any longer words that end in art. That’s disappointing.

Do you consider yourself to be an honest person?

I’d say so, yes. 99%?
I think people suspect I’m often lying in my work but even if there’s sometimes a bit of illusion or distraction then the honest facts are always completely evident when you look a little closer.

Would you prefer to be loved or hated because of the art you produce?

Oh, I think you’ve got to live with whatever reaction. I often feel like it’s not working unless you’ve had the whole spectrum of responses, from good to bad. The best test could be that people hated it but you were still happy.

Tell me something you like?

I like things that I don’t like.

What I mean is, I’m always drawn to things that I have trouble rationalizing, things that I have a weird ambivalence to or take against for an uncertain reason.

Where do you work?

Anywhere. And in Deptford.

Ask yourself a question and answer it.

Q: Hello Barry, do you have website or somewhere I can see your work online right now?

A: Yes Barry, I do. Have a look at

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